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Wordless Wednesday #41 | Beach Bum.

18 replies:

Danielle S said...

Wow! No surf. Must be really pleasant there.

Lisa Noel said...

love that first pic. I wanna go there...right now :)

stevebethere said...

Aww! fun photos I haven't been near the cost for years arrrghhh! i need to at some point

Have a beachtastic week ;-)

that suburban momma said...

Oh, I miss the beach! Hopefully I can make a beach trip soon. :)

Sophia Season said...

That looks like a place I need to be. I would read and lay out all day.


Karren Haller said...

I have not been the beach in years!! Looks so much fun!
Thanks for hosting the WW, I am having one also click here
Wordless Wednesday w Digger The Cat

mail4rosey said...

How fun, and what a cutie!

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like a great place to be!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! Definitely a fun time. Thanks for hosting.

Paula said...

What fun! I have yet to swim in the ocean this season :)

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous! I'm a beach bum by nature but I don't leave near one... :(

Dominique Goh said...

So nice to be able to go to the beach.
I hope to be heading for one soon too.

ReviewsSheRote said...

NOT beach weather here =( Looks pretty

Christy G said...

After seeing this photo, I miss being close to the beach. I love how clean the air is. Thank you for sharing your fun adventures with me.

Detodounlolo said...

Beautiful beach! Pretty soon I´ll be in one lol
Hope you have a great week

Becky Jane said...

I've only been to a beach maybe 4-5 times in my whole life. I love the sounds and smells!

Natashalh said...

This looks even prettier than where I was in the ocean this morning and I'm in Hawaii!


Life by Cynthia said...

Thank you for sharing this! I'm in the mood for a beach trip now!