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Home Renovation Ideas for Less.

Renovating your home sure has its rewards. For one, it improves the look of your home, as well as its surroundings. More importantly, it increases the market value of your property.

Fixing your home however, requires both your time and money. It may seem daunting at first, but home renovations toronto projects need not be costly or time-consuming. Here are some remodeling ideas that are easy to execute, and light on the budget, too.

Painting a room is probably the most eye-catching yet the most inexpensive improvement you can do for your home. With the proper use of color, you can lighten the room and make it appear larger and more spacious.
Photo credit: Kitchen Appliance Reviews
Proper lighting has the same effect, too. You can add light fixtures to your living room or dining room, or take down the heavy curtains and use drapes or light-filtering blinds instead.

Pay attention to the little details such as handles and hinges. Cabinet pulls for instance, can make your stock kitchen cabinets look modern and stylish. New sink faucets for your kitchen and your bath can give the impression that the whole area has been remodeled by custom home builders toronto.

A little yard work can make significant improvement, too. Trim the grass, plant trees, add flowering plants - these add a splash of color to your garden, and can highlight the front facade of your home as well.

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10 replies:

ReviewsSheRote said...

I like making suttel changes--your right small pieces can make a BOLD statement.

Christy G said...

I agree, that even small changes will make a huge impact if you are trying to sell your house.

KG said...

Great post. I preach this to my clients over and over again.

Stopping by from VB.

Life by Cynthia said...

I would love to do a home renovation as well as gardening! We are planning on moving to a bigger place so will wait until then.

Kero said...

I dropped by just in time to read these ideas. I did an early spring cleaning and now ready to do some minor renovation starting with the bath.

thank you for sharing. now pondering on which color paint...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do agree with you. Home renovation is generally a reward for everyone. Except if anyone can suggest the inexpensive tips as you have done it will be best to use. Home storage and removal can help can be one of the way to keep it clutter free. Our home interiors are as much important as interiors. It’s good to read all the tips you have listed about to make the home beautiful .

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more that practicality should be put first before anything else when it comes to home renovation. Every homeowner should know this.

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Alex Stephen said...

I am also very found of renovating home and try to do it with small investment to purchase for decorating, gardening and cleaning stuff because a small effort can make your home beautiful Home Insurance Malibu

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - whether it be a beautiful person or beautiful home decor! What matters aren’t what we like in your home 
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CMR Constructions said...

Realistic ideas that provides great results for renovation. Great content you have.