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An OFW Family's Key to Survival.

Skype: Bridging the distance of 1,627 miles.
How we cope with the homesickness and the loneliness. Thank goodness for Skype. We probably couldn't have make it through without you.

Linking up with BPC, Wordless Wednesdays,  Wednesday Whites, and Thankful Thursdays.

37 replies:

EINz said...

Yup, tama! thanks to technology. You're still updated and connected with family and friends. When I was away, freindster pa nun. And it helps a lot. =)

Btw, im inviting you to support and join my giveaway. Share na rin to other mommies who might get interested of winning pregnancy and toddler books.
PLs visit:

Marriage from Scratch said...

Thanks for linking up at Marriage from Scratch!


Bless said...

Indeed! Skype is a great help to connect with families around the world.

Mom Daughter Style said...

i haven't used skype yet but a lot of people are suggesting it.

Feel free to link up with my WW.

Ces of

An Apel a Day said...

I've never tried Skype before, but I should! I know a lot of people that have and love it!

Jamie said...

Thanks for stopping by to link up! Happy WW!

Making Mama Happy

anne said...

High technology really helps a lot especially when our love ones are miles away. Visiting you from Wednesday White here's mine My Daily Mumbles

Momgen said...

If no technology we cannot reach the long distance just to talk to someone hehe. Visiting form the challenge.

ashley d! said...

i've never used skype before! always looks like fun!! w/ LINKY & GIVEAWAY!

The Sisters' Hood said...

You cannot beat Skype for keeping in touch!

Unknown said...

i can relate sis! thanks to Skype talaga...

Searching For Simplicity said...

Thanks for linking up at Searching 4 Simplicity!

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

I love Skype too and it's a much better way of keeping in touch with relatives outside the country.

cassandrasminicorner said...

Thank's to technology these days:)

Visiting for #31 BPC! Hope you can stop by:)

Dhemz said...

oh, thanks to skype....:) san pala si hubby mo sis? I see the little guy behind you...ehehhee!

PL said...

we also use Skype to talk to my brothers abroad. thanks to development and technology. was here for WW! here's mine:

Chie Wilks said...

thanks to the latest technology that keeps us close to our family and loved-ones

visiting from the challenge,
Chie of The Three Chies

Unknown said...

agree, chat and sms bridge the homesick feeling of love ones.

""rarejonRez"" said...

I have been though a long distance relationship in the past and back then, no skype yet. We survived with emails, phone calls, YM, and snail mails. And yes, those were more expensive means. Lol. Hooray for today's skype!

Visiting for yesterday's BPC

Unknown said...

we are lucky to have enjoyed all this latest communication technology, and gadget.

Seana Smith said...

Important for us too, since family is in Scotland.

Jessica said...

your son looks like his Daddy Sis :-) anything we can do to communicate our loved-ones is precious :-) Visiting from #31 of BPC, hope that you can return the visit too.

SportyMummy said...

I love skype too, especially so the kids can have a relationship with their grandma.

Rhianna said...

Stopping by from thankful Thursday. Skype is something I too am thankful for

Jenny said...

Loving skype. My partner and son are on holidays on the other side of the world and it is great to hear what they have been up to and to see them... although with the time differences sometimes I'm not lookin gmy best

emz said...

is that your hubby sis? im an OFW for 4 years. i know how it feels like to be in abroad. kakalungkot as in.

visiting #31 of BPC

Czjai said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

Yep, that's my husband. He's been working in South Korea for almost three years already. He left when Yue was only five months old, so imagine how difficult it had been for the three of us. Skype made the pain a bit bearable.

My parents are OFWs too, and when I was a kid we had to make do with just letters and phone calls. Times were harder back then.

Thank goodness for technology!

Pepper said...

Skype does connect people, making them feel close even if they're miles away...

J said...

Mabuhay! My family is back in Phils too and I doget to chat with them all the time thanks to Skype. Helps deal with homesickness :)

Jessica said...

awww! Skype is makes the loved-ones so close :-) never try Skype yet :-)
Visiting from Wednesday Whites, hope that you can return the visit too.

Mel_Cole said...

handsome mestiso guy there. tried skype before but didn't work for me. i'm sure it is useful to a lot of people. visiting from Wednesday whites.

Emzkie said...

im back here sis! and this time for wednesday whites. =)

hope everything is ok in your end.

my whites are White Structure and Fishy in the Tank

Shengkay said...

thanks to technology talaga..
Visiting from WW#36
My White Entry .Have a nice day!
Inviting you to join Orange Tuesdays 34th edition still open till Saturday.

enzo said...

I need to teach my folks back home how to use skype the next time I go home. This is pretty convenient and money is not an issue here.

Visiting via WW here.

""rarejonRez"" said...

Skype indeed does amazing things, doesn't it?

Visiting back for WW!

Creating Love
Arts in the Fridge
Wintery Scenes

cHeErFuL said...

like you, i am one of those people who are thankful sa skype...kapag gusto makipagchat ng mga kids kina lolo at lola, skype agad! hehehe! visiting from WW, hope to see you around. thanks and have a great week. :)

purethoughts said...

i can't imagine having to be separated from our own kids last year for 10 months without skype! thanks to the wonders of technology!

Thanks for joining WW.. :)

raya of colors and contrasts