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Foodie Goodie | Kongnamul Guk (Korean Bean Sprout Soup).

It's 21°C outside, and boy, it sure is chilly. Times like this call for a hot cup of cocoa (complete with marshmallows, hehe) or better yet, a piping hot bowl of soup.

I've been craving for Kongnamul Guk (bean sprout soup) since the other day, but since there's no Korean restaurant within my area, I decided to just learn the recipe and cook it myself. I'm sharing the recipe below, in case you'd like to give this dish a try. It's very easy to make, and the ingredients don't cost that much (they're quite cheap, really). This healthy dish is low in calories and packed with vitamin C. It's great for hang-overs, and when added with the chili flakes, makes a good cure for colds as well.

Kongnamul Guk

3 cups soybean sprouts
6 cups water
15 pieces dried anchovies
2 tsp garlic, minced
3 Tbsp green onions, chopped
2 tsp salt
1 piece kelp, dried
1 Tbsp gochukaru/red chili pepper flakes (optional)

1. Wash the soybean sprouts. Be sure to remove any spoiled tails (those that are brown in color), and drain them afterwards.
2. In a pot, boil the water on high heat. Add the anchovies and kelp in a strainer, and submerge it into the boiling water.
3. Let it boil with a lid on medium heat for 15 minutes. Skim off the foams. Remove anchovies and kelp from the broth.
4. Add the soybean sprouts into the broth. Boil with a lid on high heat for 10 minutes. Make sure to boil the bean sprouts with a lid. Otherwise it can result in a slightly unpleasant smell.
5. Add the garlic, chopped green onion, and red chili pepper flakes. Let it boil for 1-2 minutes.
6. Season with salt. You may choose to add more, so season it gradually while tasting the soup.
7. Turn off the heat, and serve in a bowl.

Shared with Food Friday and Food Trip Friday.

16 replies:

Shopgirl Jen said...

oohhh soup! perfect for our cold weather now. :)

Dhadha G. said...

This looks really good, and so bagay for the cold weather we are experiencing right now. I love how it's packed with Vitamin C! Might try this one. Thanks for sharing your recipe! :)

<3 Dhadha |

Liz Mays said...

I like the idea of adding the chili flakes. This sounds wonderful on a winter's day.

ReviewsSheRote said...

Love a great cup of soup this time of year

Kath Rivera said...

Never thought bean spouts can be made into soup. Thanks for sharing :) Will try to do this.

Savannah said...

I have never heard of this before, but it looks so yummy!! In the winter time I love eating soup on a cold day.
I'm going to try this hopefully I can find the Soybean sprouts at my grocery store :)

Gen-zel said...

I've tried this before! I just forgot the name of the resto. Thanks for sharing the recipe, bookmarked it :)

Gen-zel said...

I've tried this before! I just forgot the name of the resto. Thanks for sharing the recipe, bookmarked it :)

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Looks so nice & clean. I never thought of putting sprouts in a soup. I am willing to give it a try :)

Shayne ♥ said...

ooo nice easy lang and pwedeng pang midnight low cal diet snack ^^

Shayne ♥ said...

ooo nice easy lang and pwedeng pang midnight low cal diet snack ^^

Czjai said...

Hi Bibi! Hope you get to try this one of these days. :)

Thanks for the comments everyone! Stay warm! :)

maiylah said...

what's the diff between a mungbean and a soybean sprout? I mean, taste-wise? I have tried the mungbean sprouts only; not too sure if i've seen a soybean sprout in the groceries that I frequent, lol. but this recipe sounds interesting! want to give it a try. bookmarked!

thanks so much for sharing this healthy dish over at Food Friday, Czjai
enjoy the rest of the week! :)

Onegutsymom said...

Makes the Sinulog Festival more exciting. I wish to experience it in the coming years..

Onegutsymom said...

Makes the Sinulog Festival more exciting. I wish to experience it in the coming years..

Anonymous said...

That looks so delicious and fresh.

Michelle F>