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Foodie Goodie | Adobo with Lemon Zest and Peanut Butter.

Posted this photo on my Instagram last weekend, and since then I've been receiving requests for the recipe. Now for my foreign friends who may not be familiar with the name 'adobo', it's a popular Filipino dish cooked in soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic.

There are many different ways to cook adobo. Some use pork, others prefer to use chicken, or a combination of both. And then there are some who like their adobo with chicken gizzard and liver. (I don't, though. Haha!) There's a version of adobo that uses annatto, there's one that uses yellow ginger, and yet another that uses coconut milk.

My version, however, uses lemon zest (instead of the usual vinegar) and peanut butter. And because you asked for it, here it is - my very own version of adobo, with a twist. :)

Adobo with Lemon Zest and Peanut Butter.

500 grams chicken breast (or pork cubes), cut into pieces
6 cloves garlic, minced
2 pcs dried bay leaves
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 Tbsp lemon zest
1 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 tsp black peppercorns
2 Tbsp vegetable oil

1. Marinate chicken in soy sauce, lemon juice, bay leaves, and garlic for thirty minutes. Drain the meat, and set the marinade aside.
2. Add the oil in a large frying pan. Saute the chicken until the sides turn brown.
3. Add the marinade, lemon zest and peppercorns.
4. Simmer for about 15 minutes. Add water if necessary.
5. Add the peanut butter, mix it well. Simmer for another five minutes.
6. Remove from heat, and serve with rice.

Zest the lemon using a grater.

Shared with Food Friday and Food Trip Friday.

14 replies:

Anonymous said...

That looks really yummy. i would love to try that.

Michelle F. said...

Havent tried adding peanut butter in our adobo, I'll try it the next time I cook this for the family. Ang na-try ko palang is with cheese eh

Kero said...

i dropped by just in time! I'm planning pork adobo for supper and will sure try this. My peanut butter's been sitting there for a good month waiting to be used ay!

thank you for sharing the recipe!

Natalie said...

OMG! This looks so freaking tasty! I'm going have to bookmark this for later use! Thank YOu!

Dhadha G. said...

This is new to me. haven't tasted an adobong manok with peanut butter. Looks so delish! Gusto ko ito itry. Hihi. Thanks for sharing your recipe sis :)

<3 Dhadha |

Liz said...

Oh wow, That looks tasty! I'll have to give this a try.

Ruth dela Cruz said...

Wow! I should ask my mom to try this recipe. We never tried the adobo with peanut butter! Very interesting! :)

Maria said...

I saw your Fb picture and I was drooling! I had to come over and see how you made this. Yum!!

Czjai said...

Thanks everyone! Glad you liked the recipe! :)

Lame Shrill Owl said...

That looks so delicious! Can you come over and cook for me!

Karen Dawkins said...

That looks fabulous. We are always on the hunt for new recipes and I'll keep this in mind for our next adobo night. YES, we have those. :)

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I wasn't sure about the peanut butter, but it looks so delicious that I just must try it :)

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

This is another must try variand of Adobo!
Thanks for joining Food Trip Friday

maiylah said...

LOVE that shot ... nakakagutom! was wondering (dun sa IG) how you made your particular adobo, sis. now i know! will do this ... soon! bookmarked!

appreciate much your sharing and linking over at Food Friday, sis
enjoy the rest of the week!