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Sharing the Kpop Love! | GOOD LUCK GIVEAWAY HOP

Today may be your lucky day – so hop down and try your luck with some, or all of these giveaways!

This is the Good Luck Giveaway Hop, hosted by MamaNYC! This event will run from March 14-19th.
We have over 60+ bloggers each giving away some amazing prizes! Be sure to hop down the list when you are done with this giveaway!

For this event, I'm giving away Korean collectibles as prizes. If you haven't noticed, I have a strong affinity for anything related to Korea - be it food, gadgets, TV shows, dramas, and of course, music. Hence, I'm sharing the Kpop love to not just one, but two lucky winners!

Up for grabs are the following items. By the way, these are self-sponsored - meaning, I bought these goods so I can share them with you wholeheartedly! :)

One set (1) of Kim Hyun Joong official U:Zoosin volume 2 postcards.

One (1) Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace.

One winner will get the postcard set while the other will get the necklace; both will be randomly selected via

And the best part? This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE! ELFs and Henecians from all over the globe, rejoice!

Of course, you don't have to be a Kpop fan to join this contest. For as long as you want to win the prizes, then it's good!

Let's start the fun now, shall we? Cast your entries via the Rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And don't forget to check out the other participants and their great prizes in this event.
Good luck! :)

63 replies:

Lucky said...

Hi! Thanks for this giveaway. This is so sweet of you. ^^ If I'll win, I prefer the Uzoosin 2 Postcard, but I also don't mind getting the necklace since I love both KHJ and SJ. Leeteuk used to be my first SJ bias :) Thanks again and good luck to everyone :)

miks said...

Hmm.. I like both so ay of the two will do.. Hope i'm one of the lucky winners.. ^^ -

Deanna said...

This raffle-gimmick sounds really exciting, Czjai Reyes-Ocampo!!
Of course, the KHj Uzoosin items being the most interesting of the lot!!
Anyway, good luck to you & your new blog, sis!!!

Deanna said...

This raffle-gimmick of yours sounds really exciting, Czjai Reyes-Ocampo!!
Of course the KHJ-Uzoosin items being the most interesting, sis!!
Good luck on your new blog & future endeavors, Czjai sis!!!

Deanna said...

This raffle-gimmick of yours sounds really exciting, Czjai Reyes-Ocampo!!
Of course the KHJ-Uzoosin items being the most interesting, sis!!
Good luck on your new blog & future endeavors, Czjai sis!!!

Deanna said...

This raffle-gimmick of yours sounds really exciting, Czjai Reyes-Ocampo!!
Of course the KHJ-Uzoosin items being the most interesting, sis!!
Good luck on your new blog & future endeavors, Czjai sis!!!

pauline125 said...

not sure if my previous comment went through, but in case it didn't I want the KHJ - Uzoosin item. thank you!

Fe said...

I collect postcards so if I'm lucky enough to win, I would chose the U:Zoosin postcards.
Thanks !

Crochet Addict UK said...

I would love to win anything! susand1408 at googlemail dot com

mhags said...

i want the khj u:zoosin collections...i really love khj..god bless ...

Kjbikakis said...

I still can't get over Teukkie's necklace! <3333 sooo prretty~~~

Yeoni said...

I want Leeteuk's necklace.

kongyuenyee [at] gmail [dot] com

THU said...

I want Hyun Joong's post cards.

And I want to let you know that I have 7-8 Break Down CDs & posters as well, if you want for your contest like this. Let me know ok?

Megan said...

Love the necklace!

Megan dot Real at Yahoo dot Com

desitheblonde said...

need to ask fist if it cost you mosre to send to t he usa i like th e post crdf for the collection i have

desi the blonde at msn dot com

Kim Owens said...

I like the necklace! Thanks for the chance.

kimct77 at

C5 said...

Any will do since I haven't had any of those but I'd prefer the necklace, though. One of my kids is a fan of Korean stuff!


Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

How fun! I entered and I LOVE that necklace ;)

Dovile said...

I like the necklace.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Dominique Goh said...

I love the necklace..and that's a really handsome korean singer.

Kris said...

I have a bracelet with the exact same pendant of leetuks necklace but then again I'm a big fan of KHJ. So it's hard to choose coz I like both. BUT IF I WIN, ANY OF THE TWO ITEMS WILL DO.

abitaman said...

The postcard set.

Airah Roxas said...

I would really love to have One set of KHJ's official U:Zoosin volume 2 postcards. ^_^ Hope I win. *Fingers crossed*


ierra said...

i like Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace :) --

ierra said...

i like Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace. :) --

Unknown said...

I really do not know too much about Korea or it's fads. Now you have my curiosity going. :) Blessings.

Anonymous said...

i like both, Korean lover here, super stress relievers Oppa Oppa :) KHJ the best :) email add is

Nenna said...

I´d like to win the necklace :)

Anonymous said...

i would like the open heart

Simply Stacie said...

The necklace

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

mojemakaze said...

I would like to win Leeteuk's necklace.

Unknown said...

Hard choice - both are very cool, but I think I'd pick the post cards! jessyisawinner(at)gmail(dot)com

emeraldmaz said...

I'd love to win the necklace

Perspective Parenting said...

Such a cool giveaway!!

Catie said...

I'd love to win the necklace!

wendy wallach said...

I like the necklace, although I would take the postcards too.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to win this lovely necklace! <3

Tracy said...

Necklace, please :)
Tracy Awalt Juliano

Tracy said...

Necklace, please :)
Tracy Awalt Juliano

Crystal Chan said...

hi if i get lucky i'd love to receive the necklace.. its so kawaii~

Crystal Gale Delos Santos

WCA Yash Travel said...

i'd like to win the Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom

RACHEL said...

Thanks for organizing this giveaway! ^^
I really hope I can win the set of U:zoosin volume 2 postcards! But if I win the necklace it will be fine as well ^^

Seo said...

I am ELF and henecian as well. But I really got hooked to the necklace. I would like to have it if I am the lucky one. *cross fingers*


Seo said...

I am ELF and henecian as well. But I really got hooked to the necklace. I would like to have it if I am the lucky one. *cross fingers*

Seo said...

I am ELF and henecian as well. But I really got hooked to the necklace. I would like to have it if I am the lucky one. *cross fingers*

melandriaonline said...

i would love to have the postcard, weeh i'm a k pop addict too .


mmsamii said...

i would love to win either one :D thank you!

Michi said...

Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace

Tamar said...

I like the necklace but would be happy with either win!
Tam S. Rafflecopter name (my email should be there but if not it is tamarsweeps at gmail [ )

Smo said...

Hi, thank you for this giveaway! I'd like to win the Kim Hyun Joong U:Zoosin postcard set :) I am a huge Kim Hyun Joong fan and it's one of the reasons why I joined your giveaway. I really hope I'd be one of the lucky winners~ God bless you! ^_^

mommygiay said...

I like the necklace, hope to win :)

Aik said...

I'd love to win the Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace!

Jackie said...

Both prizes are great..but I'd like the Kim Hyun Joong official U:Zoosin volume 2 postcards.
Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Kelly A. Tanner said...

I like the necklace! girlfloyd at gmail

Maegan Morin said...

I would like the necklace. My sister is a HUGE Kpop fan and would have a bird if i won it lol!

Lisa Garner said...

I would love to win the Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace!

Lisa Garner

lisalmg225 at gmail dot com

Kate W said...

I would like either.

beck20202 @ gmail dot com

Stacey P (cosaver213) said...

I'd like to win the Leeteuk-style Open Heart Necklace.

Aranda said...

I'd like the necklace!
Aranda gibbs

Unknown said...

I like the necklace!

Dani Jones said...

I would like the necklace.

nellandstir at gmail dot com

keisarogers said...

Would love the necklace.

polly said...

i would love the cute necklace