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Throwback Thursday | Our Love Story.

This morning, I woke up with the realization that my husband and I have been together for a decade.

We first met in the summer of 2003, through my brother, who was his classmate in college. He was in his senior year and was looking for an on-the-job trainee stint in the company that I was working at. I, on the other hand, was fresh out of college, a fairly new employee at the said company, and on the rebound after calling it quits with my boyfriend from college.

He didn't get hired as an on-the-job trainee in my office. But he did get my number, and the next thing I knew we were constantly texting each other, talking on the phone for hours, and going out on the dates. On the sixth of June 2003, we officially became a couple. Five years later, on that exact same day, we got married.
Bliss. :)
I know this sounds cliche, but I still remember everything as if it was yesterday. How he proposed (more like how he told me, "Let's get married"), how we prepared hands-on for the wedding (from the invitations, the wedding favors, the rings, my wedding gown, down to the background music as I walked down the aisle), and how our garden wedding pushed through despite all the mishaps we had along the way.

My husband may not be the most romantic person in the world, but he sure would go through hell and high water for me. And I would, too, for him. I love him to bits. And for many more decades to come.

17 replies:

Gee Nie said...

So sweet. I've been dreaming of a simple yet unforgettable wedding. Unfortunately, it's quite too far to happen in my case. But nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to experience it soon! :)

Lizzie said...

AAawwww. Sweet. Keep the fire alive for many decades. :)

Debarpan Mukherjee said...

such a cute love story,not so romantic though :P

Franc said...

Nice story. He may not have gotten his OJT experience but hit the jackpot by having you as his partner.

MaryJane Tauyan said...

omg! too sweet dear! i feel for you! gnyn tlg cguro pg inlove hehe xx

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Chris said...

nice to know your story :) by the way, your hubby is not the only non-romantic person, so is my hubby! LOL :) he also used those words!

ReviewsSheRote said...

10 years-That's super! You got married on the same date you met -very cool!!!

April said...

How sweet! I love throwback posts! I need to do some myself ;)

Christy G said...

What a great story, thanks for sharing. I might have to do a similar post as well in the future. We are coming up on our 5 year anniversary.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing your sweet love story

Dominique Goh said...

Such a sweet post. The last time I wrote such a throwback post was during our 11th wedding anniversary last year.

Cody said...

So sweet, and just in time for Valentine's Day! Happy Anniversary to you :)

Cody said...

Aw, so sweet, and just in time for Valentine's Day! Happy anniversary to you!

Unknown said...

Ahh, I'm a romantic sucker, and loved reading this! Congrats to your love!

Icar said...

IT doesn't seem like ten years mare diba? Congrats...

I am quite excited for Valentines, first this is going to be our first time together after almost 11 years..

wish you all the best, I know blog campaigns are pouring, lol

God bless

Icar said...

Congrats mare! It doesn't seem like ten years diba?

I am excited fro Valentines, this is going to be our first together.

Regards to Yue and Byron and God bless!