My skills (or the lack thereof) pale in comparison to my brother (who is a graphics designer and web developer) and my sister (who has the knack for designing dresses, such as her wedding gown). Both of them obviously took after my Mum, who could have pursued a career in Fine Arts had my grandfather allowed her to. And that is why my stick figures and I, suck. Har.
Handing over some paper, a box of crayons, a drawing board, and a drawing board marker, I told Yue, "Ikaw muna mag-drawing, ha. Hugas lang ako ng plates natin." (You go ahead and draw while I clean the dishes first.) Not sensing that this was my escape route, he willingly obliged, settled down in his study table, and began to draw.
A few minutes later he came running to the kitchen. "Mommy, ang galing ko mag-drawing!" (Mommy, I'm good at drawing!), he exclaimed. And then he showed me this.
Yue's artwork, 23 January 2012. |
Hello, van Gogh! Proudly showing off his artwork. |
"Very good ka talaga anak," (You're very good, my son) I said as I ruffled his hair and scooped him up for a big hug. "Syempre Mommy, ang galing ko magdrawing parang ikaw!" (Of course! I'm good at drawing just like you) he beamed. My three-year-old's unintentional sarcasm then sent me into a fit of laughter.
My son's smarts and congeniality has earned him praises several times before. Most of them even come from strangers, or random people that we meet while we're out in public (ie, at the mall or at the doctor's clinic). A friend even encouraged me to have his IQ tested and measured because he thinks Yue is really a genius. I didn't take it seriously, but this drawing is now giving me the thought. Especially after I found these.
Must speak with Yue's pedia soon. :)

6 replies:
That's great! Love the drawing! New follower from tattletale hop. I would love to have you as a follower to. also my other blog is:
awwwwwww...super cute!
thanks for dropping by @
Thanks Dhemz! :)
Thanks HotSavinMama!
I've been a follower of both blogs for awhile now. ;)
Yeah have him tested! If you do, I'll ask you where you had it done so I can do the same for my kiddo. :)
Hi Anne!
Will update you once I have. :D
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