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Foodie Goodie | No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake.

So you want to make your Mom a cake for Mother's Day. But you don't know how to bake. You don't even know how to turn the oven on. And you can't ask Mom for help because it's supposed to be a surprise.

Consider yourself lucky for stumbling upon my blog! Today I will be sharing a no-bake cake recipe that's so easy to follow and takes very little time to make. And I'm pretty sure this yummy dessert will make any mom's heart melt. :)

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake

1-1/2 cups Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Chips or Hershey's Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 pack (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1 pack (3 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine, softened
2 cups frozen non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
1 pack (at least 6 oz.) graham cracker crumb crust

1. Place chocolate chips in small microwave-safe bowl.
2. Microwave at medium for 1 minute, then stir. If necessary, microwave at medium an additional 15 seconds at a time, stirring after each heating, just until chips are melted when stirred. Set aside to cool.
3. Beat cream cheese, sugar and butter in large bowl on medium speed of mixer until creamy.
4. Gradually add melted chips, beating on low speed until blended.
5. Fold in whipped topping until blended; spoon into crust.
6. Refrigerate overnight.
7. Garnish as desired before serving.

As seen on Hershey's Kitchens. Shared with Food Friday and Food Trip Friday.

23 replies:

michymichymoo said...

I love cheesecake! I would love to try doing this one of these days. :)

Animetric said...

No bake sounds good to me, akala ko chocolate talaga cheesecake pala! Was trying to imagine paano ang no bake chocolate cake lol.

Unknown said...

No bake! I am so pastry clueless :) he he I wonder if there is a way to substitute all the dairy. Maybe not. :)

Anonymous said...

That looks delicious. I love chocolate cheesecake.

Michelle F.

Jhanis said...

No bake and chocolate. 2 of my favorite words. Will try this! Thanks for sharing!

earthlingorgeous said...

OheMGeee! No bake choolate cake wanna try it!

earthlingorgeous said...

I wanna try this one!

Unknown said...

I bookmarked this page, thanks for sharing this recipe!! Yummy.. Now I am craving for this...:)

Leelo said...

I have to try this! Thank you for sharing this!

Karen Dawkins said...

I have to make a dessert for Wednesday. This looks delicious and easy. Double win. Thanks!

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Yum! That sounds so yummy. I am craving chocolate something fierce right now.

Ruth dela Cruz said...

Wow! Chocolate and Cheesecake - two things I love! Glad that the recipes are available in the local market :)

I should try this at home - maybe next weekend. I have bookmarked!

Yette said...

Oh, this is so helpful! I hate baking. Not that I ever tried doing it on my own, but it's just not my cup of tea. :)

Unknown said...

This is a no bake and that is great because that means I can make one for us and I will let you know by tagging you either on Twitter or Fb.

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

The picture itself looks good already!!:) Yum! I'm sure your kid loves you even more!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe. Would love to give this a try at home. Ngayon pa na medyo nahihilig na akong magluto and gumawa ng kung anu-ano. Hahaha! :)


Louisa said...

Will definitely give this a try! I'm always looking out for no bake recipes. Thanks for sharing this!

The Phenomenal Mama said...

I love chocolates and I love cheesecakes! this looks easy enough for me to do!:)

Tetcha said...

That's a recipe I can follow! Thanks for sharing! I'll try it at home soon! -- Maria Teresa Figuerres

Quatro In The Metro said...

Thank you for sharing this! No bake is a frustrated baker's go-to. I will definitely bookmark this for later. :)

Quatro In The Metro said...

Thank you for sharing this! No bake is a frustrated baker's go-to. I will definitely bookmark this for later. :)

maiylah said...

yummm! i haven't tried adding melted chocolate to my no-bake cheesecakes, yet...definitely a must-try!

thanks so much for sharing over at Food Friday, sis!

maiylah said...

yummm! i haven't tried adding melted chocolate to my no-bake cheesecakes, yet...definitely a must-try!

thanks so much for sharing over at Food Friday, sis!