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Spotlight | Godiva Natural Skincare.

If my memory serves me right, it was back in college when I first came across the brand Godiva. I was staying overnight at my best friend's house, and chanced upon his Mom doing her bedtime skincare ritual. I was quite surprised to see a 'Godiva' facial cream, since the only Godiva I knew of back then were the edible kind (ergo, chocolates).

Fast forward to twelve years later (gosh, has it really been that long since I've graduated from the University?!), I received a package of Godiva skincare products. And a generous one at that, as it contained full-sized bottles plus sample sachets of their entire product line.
Godiva Natural Skincare.
I believe Godiva disappeared from the market for a few years, as I don't remember seeing them in supermarkets or at Watson's for quite awhile. Now, the brand is making a comeback with a new and improved formulation together with a more eye-catching look. If I remember correctly, 'Godiva' used to be written with a cursive font, and they had this pink and white, girly-girly packaging.

As for the formulation, the all-new Godiva Natural Skincare line contains licorice, a plant commonly used as a sweetening agent. Its roots, on the other hand, are known to have several medicinal properties.

Licorice root extract contains an active ingredient called 'glabridin', a potent, naturally-derived ingredient, known around the world for its whitening properties. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin as it nourishes and protects the skin with its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. However, despite of its known skin benefits, glabridin is uncommon to commercial beauty products because of its steep price.

This is where Godiva Natural Skincare stands out. It uses licorice extract that not only has passed various clinical trials, but is also guaranteed safe and effective for use in skin whitening - at an affordable price, at that. Best of all, their products are all paraben-free!

Now let me walk you through each of the products that I've received. I'll give you my first impressions and initial thoughts about the products (not the usual, full-blown product review), as I've only started using them this month. I need more than four weeks (and perhaps bigger bottles, haha!) to properly gauge its whitening effect on my skin.

Read more about my experience with Godiva Natural Skincare products after the jump!

Godiva LicoWhite™ Whitening Lotion with SPF15.
Whitening Lotion (100mL), Php 132.
My most favorite product in the bunch, the Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Lotion has a light, non-greasy formulation with a mild, refreshing scent. One whiff and I'm instantly reminded of Bath and Body Works' Green Tea Cucumber. I love how the scent stays on the skin for hours - even after I've sweated out in the sun.

Aside from keeping the skin soft, smooth, and moisturized, this lotion also provides sun protection. It's in the lower range though (SPF15), so I still use sunscreen on top of this product.

Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Anti-Perspirant Deodorant.
Whitening Anti-Perspirant Deodorant (40mL) Php 89.
When it comes to deodorants, I usually stay away from the roll-on kind. They take forever to dry, and leave the skin feeling wet and icky. I am, however, surprisingly glad that this particular roll-on didn't have the gloppy, sticky feel.

The Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Anti-Perspirant Deodorant is also fragrance-free - a plus factor for those who dislike deodorants with overpowering scents. And although this product takes a few minutes or so to dry, I love that it's mild and gentle on my rather sensitive underarms. No itchiness, no redness, no rashes.

Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Soap.
Whitening Soap (135g) Php 69.
More often than not, commercial bath soaps make my skin feel tight and dry - which is the reason why I go for shower gels and bath creams instead. The Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Soap however, does not dry the skin the way most commercial bath soaps can. It comes in a clear, transparent bar and has a light, herbal scent. Not as fragrant as the lotion, but not funky to turn anyone's nose off.

Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Wash.
Whitening Facial Wash, Php 85.
With its low-foaming, soap-free formula, this product cleanses the skin thoroughly sans the harsh, pricking feel. Mild and gentle on the skin, the Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Wash has a faint cucumber scent similar to that of the lotion.

Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Toner.
Whitening Facial Toner, Php 89.
Much like the facial wash, the Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Toner does a good job of clearing the skin without the harsh, stinging feel. Most people tend to skip this part in their skincare regimen, thinking that their face is 'clean enough' by using the cleanser alone. Major no-no!

A toner's purpose is to close the pores to prevent any infection or absorption of bacteria. Facial cleansers can affect the pH level of the skin, and toners are meant to restore those pH levels. By skipping on a facial toner, you are losing an essential piece of the puzzle to complexion perfection, and doing your skin more harm than good.

Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Cream.
Whitening Facial Cream, Php 120.
I mentioned in a previous blog post that during the summer months (such as now), I switch from the usual heavy creams to serums that have a lighter formulation. The Godiva LicoWhite Whitening Facial Cream has a rather thick formulation, so I only use this at night - applying a generous amount on my face and neck before bedtime. 

I have to say, though, that this product did give me breakouts on my second day of use. Nothing too alarming though, just three or four tiny red dots on my forehead - which eventually disappeared after my fourth day of use. Now I really don't believe in the myth called 'purging', so I guess that was just my skin being overly sensitive once again to the summer heat. 

All in all, my experience so far with Godiva's Natural Skincare products has been pleasant and rewarding. I am particularly in love with the Whitening Lotion, and I'm hoping to see more significant changes in my skin tone within the next few weeks. I'll keep you all posted, of course! :)

Have you tried any of Godiva's skincare products before? Which ones are your favorite?

Godiva Natural Skincare products can be purchased via their official Facebook page and online store. They ship internationally, too!

30 replies:

Sound of Life said...

I'm tempted to buy their deo. But kind of hesitant because of further darkening armpit

Rhea Bue | Styles and Writes said...

I tried their licorice soap before.. super nice kahit di ganun ka nice yung scent ng soap. hihihi.. godiva has really nice products.. worth giving a try talaga :)

Debi Gerhart said...

I never heard of it before but it sounds fantastic.

Louisa said...

I also liked their whitening lotion. I've also tried their products and would have liked them t have a better scent but overall they worked alright. No break outs for me.

Savannah said...

I have never tried them before, but they seem like they are worth trying :)

Newlywed Survival said...

Please let us know what you think in the future. Very curious to see how you like it in the long run!

ladyfhink said...

I'm using Godiva soap 2 years now and masasabi kong effective siya. But then nagulat ako ng malaman ko n na pull out n ung product sa watsons. just want to ask sis kung naibalik n b uli sa stores? I will try also the deo and lotion.
Thanks for a great review ; )

ladyfhink said...

I am using Godiva soap 2 years now and masasabi kong effective sia. I will try also the lotion and deo. Ang kaso wala n mabilhan sa watsons and just want to ask sis kung nabalik n uli cla sa stores?

Thanks for a great review. Try nyo ang product ng Godiva, d kayo mag sisisi... ; )

ladyfhink said...

I am using Godiva soap 2 years now and masasabi kong effective sia. I will try also the lotion and deo. Ang kaso wala n mabilhan sa watsons and just want to ask sis kung nabalik n uli cla sa stores?

Thanks for a great review. Try nyo ang product ng Godiva, d kayo mag sisisi... ; )

ladyfhink said...

I am using Godiva soap 2 years now and masasabi kong effective sia. I will try also the lotion and deo. Ang kaso wala n mabilhan sa watsons and just want to ask sis kung nabalik n uli cla sa stores?

Anonymous said...

Those all look like great products. I love that they are natural too.

Michelle F.

Anonymous said...

Those all look like great products. I love that they are natural too.

Michelle F.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

What does whitening creme do? I am already pretty white, so I prefer to get a little color, but I have never heard of whitenening creme.

Lexie Lane said...

So ... does it have anything to do with the Godiva chocolates company? This is interesting. I might like to give it a try!

MaryJane Tauyan said...

my sister would prolly love this products! she loves everything with whitening. I cna just have the deo if i can hehe i dont have dark underarms but it is nice to whiten a bit. your a lucky girl to have this

michymichymoo said...

How much is the set? I want to try the lotion! :)

A said...

I've not tried any Godiva products, but if they had a line that wasn't whitening, then perhaps I'd try it out. :)

Ari said...

I've tried the Facial Cream so far and I like it! It's definitely one of the more moisturizing ones I've tried so far among local brands :) Because my skin is dry, I use it in the morning also when getting ready.

Unknown said...

This sounds lovely. I would love to see a follow up with before and after pictures. I am frugal when it comes to cosmetics and love to see results before purchase. Great post!

Unknown said...

For so many beauty products out there in the market now you never know which one you can really trust or meet your needs until you try them all. Actually I saw this Godiva products on a stall at Watsons yesterday and I was thinking if I want to try them but I dont want to disturb my skin anymore as it is peacefully beautifying now on my current beauty regimens.

Unknown said...

What I know of Godiva when I was younger was, indeed, the chocolates. LOL I feel for you on that. Hehe Anyway,It's nice to know that they're making a come back. I'm quite curious with the facial cream :)


Yette said...

My mom used to love this skin care line. I don't think she knows yet that it's back or something. I haven't seen this stuff in the malls way back, but it's definitely making a comeback. :)

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

I actually thought when I saw your title, that it was chocolates! haha :) No pala. It's my first time to hear about Godiva Skincare. :)

Ruth dela Cruz said...

Oh, Godiva! One of the few trusted brands for skin care! And yes, I love the Godiva chocolates too! Hehe.

I want to try the deo - I also don't like sticky ones, that take forever to dry and stains my clothes :/

Jes Roque said...

I also have this set! I love everything, especially the toner and the soap! :)

Kero said...

I need that recommendation on Whitening lotion - if only to reduce my tan lines. Thanks for the idea.

This is the second review I heard for Godiva with rewarding experience.

EG said...

I used Godiva in college too and yeah they somehow diappear too then back lately lang I also have a fullset of the product but have not opened them yet coz aaaah tambak sa products for review and I only have one body lol

Unknown said...

where can I buy these products

Unknown said...

Yeah. Where to buy this godiva products? I can’t see their online sites

Unknown said...

how to order?