And just like that, we're down to the last few hours of 2018.
It seems like it was only yesterday that I was writing about the ups and down of 2017, and now here I am, wrapping up the past 365 days with yet another year-end post.
If I were to rate 2018, I'd say it was a 7 out of 10.
Health-wise, it was not the most fantastic year for my boys - Yue had
pneumonia early this year and was hospitalized for almost a week, he had the stomach flu while we were in Korea last spring/summer, and just last week, both of us caught the flu. As for my husband, he had to go through several dental procedures this year, and oh my goodness, dental treatments abroad don't come cheap.
(Pain was the least of his worries, lol.)
Thankfully, we had our bases covered. He's back with his old employer, and work - for the most part - is good. As for me, I had the opportunity to work with some very generous advertisers this year, not to mention the PR agencies that collaborate continuously with this blog.
Thank you again and again! :)
A few more things that I'm grateful for this year:
Ten years of marriage, and finally being able to celebrate our anniversary together.
Sun-date with my boys. (Seoul, June 2018). |
- The
opportunity to travel, and being able to spend time with family and friends abroad.
Coffee with Unni! (Seoul, June 2018). |
- My
family abroad coming home for a vacation.
Coffee with sibs and cousins. (Laguna, August 2018). |
Mum is home for the holidays! |
All the Ocampo grandkids, complete! |
- Meeting new friends and reuniting with the old.
With Ela and Maan. (Seoul, June 2018). |
Friends that inspire you to dream big and work harder.
My forever friends, my UPRHS barkada! |
My son's
achievements and his continued pursuit for excellence.
Another medal for my little man. :) |
- Being part of
Althea's Beauty Ambassador Community, and all the K-beauty awesomeness that comes with it.
I'm an Althea Angel! :) |
- My
readers and followers and their unwavering support for this blog! Thank you for the visits, the comments, and all the kind words that you've sent me this year and in the previous years!
Thank you for the likes! :) |
Happy New Year, everyone!
May 2019 bring us good health, good fortune, success, and happiness! Ever onward! :)
7 replies:
Thanks a lot for sharing your journey with us. Hope you had a great year ahead.
Happy 10-Year Anniversary! My husband and I will also be celebrating the same milestone in a few months! All the best to you and your family...May 2019 be filled with much love and laughter!
2018 looks like it treated you well. I love how being with family is important to you. You and your family look so happy together. I hope 2019 is even better for you.
Sounds like you had a pretty good year despite the pneumonia. I hate being sick but thank God you all survived it. Blessings in your 2019.
What a great year and I'm so happy your leaving it with a grateful heart. Congratulations on your 10 years of marriage and I hope 2019 is everything you want it to be. Happy travels too.
It's good that despite your family's health issues, 2018 seemed to have brought in a lot of good things your way. :) Hopefully 2019 will be a better year.
You still have a beautiful year of 2018 despite of all the challenges that you faced and I am wishing you have a wonderful year on this 2019. Happy Wedding Anniversary to the both of you!
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