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Wordless Wednesday #72 | Graduation Photoshoot!

In just a few more weeks, my little man  will be saying goodbye to preschool!
Here's a sneak peek of his graduation photoshoot! :)

16 replies:

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

So cute, congrats!!

kewkew said...

They definitely grow too fast. Though I did notice his feet don't quite touch the ground all the way yet.
Looks like a fun photoshoot.

Unknown said...

A young gentleman- very nice shoot. Hope he will enjoy the Graduation Day

stevebethere said...

Congrats! and he looks very smart ;-)

An Apel a Day said...

I love his tie!

Ai Sakura said...

yay congrats to him! :)

Danielle S said...

He looks so smart in his graduation outfit - like a little professor.

Unknown said...

Aww cute picture! They grow up too fast!

Dominique Goh said...

Congrads to the graduant!! Hope he enjoys his time in the big boy school.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Congratulations on the graduation.

Michelle F>

Sofia said...

Oh my! What a dapper little guy! Congratulations :)

Stephanie said...

So adorable!! Congrats!

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Awwww! How cute!

On the Itinerary said...

That is just adorable!

Claire Justine said...

Aww congrats :)

Karen Dawkins said...

Too cute! FYI -- it just gets harder from here! My son has met the love of his life, which means I am relegated to second place. It's a bittersweet, crushing blow to the heart. How's that for an encouraging comment?

Enjoy these precious days. <3