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Wordless Wednesday #54 | Butterfly Waltz.

"Hundreds of butterflies flitted in and out of sight
 like short-lived punctuation marks in a stream of consciousness 
without beginning or end.” 
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

11 replies:

Mom-Friday said...

One of may fave shots is that of mating butterflies! :)
I think I'll try a Wordless Wednesday post one of these days!

kewkew said...

Beautiful butterfly!

Unknown said...

shared my entry for this week

MikiHope said...

Magnificent picture of the butterfly!

Becky McNeer said...

we have had so many butterflies this year! it's been lovely!

Southern Rambles said...

beautiful picture. I need to get a WW post up and link up!

Danielle S said...

Just so lovely! I don't get many butterflies in this desert I live in. Love seeing glimpses of them on Wordless Wednesday posts.

This is Lovelee said...

I've yet to create my wordless wednesday entry. Hehe! =)

Pepper said...

There's something about butterflies which I find reassuring. I guess they remind me that life is still beautiful. said...

I rarely see butterflies like that. Hmmm But I often see fireflies they're equally amazing. :)

Journeys of The Zoo said...

A beautiful quote for a beautiful butterfly. We don't have anything like that in Ontario, Canada. Although Monarch Butterflies are beautiful.

I linked up (

Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo