

Happy White Day! 화이트데이

It's one sweet day in Korea as we celebrate 'White Day' 화이트데이 - the day when women get to receive gifts (chocolates, being the most popular) from the men.

You see, on Valentines Day, women are usually the ones who give gifts to the men. On White Day, which is observed exactly one month after Valentines Day, it's the men's turn to shower the women with love and affection.

First celebrated in Japan in 1978, White Day was initiated by the National Confectionery Industry Association as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day - that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day.

What began as 'Marshmallow Day' in March 14, 1977 (Ishimuramanseido, a Fukuoka-based confectionery company, marketed marshmallows to men on this fateful day) became a big hit in Japan and was later on adopted by other neighboring countries, including South Korea.
White Day goodies available at EMart! :)
Lollipops and candies are the most popular gift items on White Day, as you can see in this promotional poster from EMart Mall. Chocolates, cakes, and roses make great gifts, too, but I reckon stuff like these are for couples or for those who are 'in a relationship'.
White Day 2013! :)
Like mine, for instance. A pink ribbon cake from Tous Les Jours. Ah, my husband is the bestest! I even heard that he's getting me those sneakers that I've been pining for the longest time. Tee hee! :)

Anyhow, for my friends in South Korea, and my fellow Kpop fans all over the world (because we celebrate Korean holidays too, just so you know - haha), a very Happy White Day! Go easy on the sweets!


  1. They should really make white day more popular and it's also good for marketing purposes of different gift alternatives.

  2. That's interesting! First time to hear about White Day! I love the idea and the fact that we can add to our growing list of special occasion when we can give something to our loved one. :)

    Jen of

  3. happy white day to you too, ooh i love to receive a cake on this day but since my husband is not a korean or doesn't love korean as much as i do, i'll celebrate them on my own, he he he

  4. The girls would be so lucky for the gifts that I will give to them during White Day! haha! :D

    Anyway, I never knew of this special day until I've read this.. I like this post! :D

  5. dont really know about this until i've read this post of you! happy happy to everyone!! xx

  6. Oh, I'm loving White Day already :). Your hubby is simply the best. So sweet :)

  7. Aww how sweet of your husband! It's my first time hearing of this White Day! I wish everyday were White Day. Hahahah

  8. I had never heard of this before. How adorable. I support any additional day that gives me official permission to eat candy!

  9. I like this White Day celebration (bec Im a woman lol). This should be then celebrated all over the world! Woman deserves gifts hahaha!

  10. Learned something new today! Enjoy that cake!! YUM =)

  11. I have never heard of White Day, thank you for sharing it's history.

  12. Interesting! Now I want a cake from TLJ, hahaha! XD

  13. That cake looks too pretty to eat.So sweet of your husband!

  14. That cake looks too pretty to eat.So sweet of your husband!

  15. Ooh, it is indeed different in that part of the world huh. HAHA! Your hubby is so sweet sis! :)


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