

Wordless Wednesday #26 | Fragrance Freak!

I'm doing the #LoveBeautyholicsFebPhotoADay challenge on Instagram, and here's my entry for Day 12: Perfume Collection. I love, love, love perfumes. It's a thing I inherited from my Mum, who has an even bigger collection than mine. (These are half of what I currently own, by the way.)

How about you? What's in your perfume collection?


  1. wow that's a big collection of perfumes! haha i personally dont wear one because my nose just doesnt feel like it haha though my husband alway buy my "beautiful perfume" that's only perfume i've got. Planning to buy the chanel also it smells like powdery and my nose loves it! xx

  2. I haven't bought perfume in years since there was a time I got hooked on perfumes and bought too much so I'm still using up all those perfumes.

  3. That is a lot of smelly good stuff!

    I can't wear a lot of it. I'm trying to go organic. I found out I have allergies to one ingredient that's in a lot of those things. I still like to smell it though!

  4. Precioussssssss!

    What a lovely collection! I'd love to your mom's as well. :D

    My perfume supply has been depleted since moving to Indonesia but I guess it's easy to start again. :)


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~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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