

PopJunkLove T-shirt Necklace | Giveaway Winner + DIY Tutorial!

And we've got a winner!
Congratulations to Leonise! She just won for herself a T-shirt necklace from PopJunkLove!

The Choose to Reuse Giveaway may be over and done with, but don't fret because Roma - one-half of the PopJunkLove duo - and I still have something in store for you! As a treat for my readers and followers, especially to those who participated in the recently-concluded Choose to Reuse Giveaway, we're sharing  this tutorial on how to make your very own T-shirt necklace. And so they say, if you can't win it, make it!

This tutorial is also posted on Roma's blog, filed under the DIY Challenge category. Click on the images to enlarge. Photo credits to PopJunkLove.

The materials are pretty simple. Take an old stretchy cotton shirt (best if it's in your favorite color), a pair of scissors, a needle, some thread, and that's about it! DIY project, here we go!

Erratum on photo number 3: 'each' not 'its'

Wrap and work your way up!

Almost done!


Although I may not be the most arts-and-craftsy person in the world, I had fun doing this project (I reckon my son enjoyed it much more than I did, haha!). It's always nice to learn new, innovative things. And it's not everyday that you get an upcycling guru to do a DIY tutorial for you. 

So I'm also taking this opportunity to thank Roma and Maan for sharing their creativity and skill with me and my readers. And for sponsoring this giveaway, too! Many thanks and more power to PopJunkLove! :)

For more DIY Challenges and upcycling ideas, check out Roma is Love!
Like PopJunkLove on Facebook or add them as a contact on Multiply!


  1. That's awesome, Czjai! I'm not a crafty person myself, but I think that's something I can actually make. I'm sure my daughter will have fun making it with me. I see myself wearing that on a plain white shirt or tank top ;)

  2. Wow! This necklace looks so nice and edgy ah.. :D Would love to try my hands on making one. It might not look as good though.. XD

  3. I think I'll be joining this one.. seems the price is awesome .. wish me luck :D

  4. Awwww! My comment went through agad!

    That's so creative of you! I think I should try that, too hehehe!

  5. Nyaks! I wasn't able to catch this giveaway, sis! Perhaps, next time then...

  6. Looks nice and crafty! That is something I wanted to try for myself.

  7. It looks great! I'm not an arts and crafts person myself, but this looks do able!

  8. It looks great! I'm not an arts and crafts person myself, but this looks do able!

  9. Congratulations to the winner! :) As for the DIY, that's so cool! I'll definitely try that one *bookmarked*

  10. That looks like it would be fun to do with children. Thanks for sharing!

  11. That's a really cool looking necklace.. lovely DIY project.

  12. Wow ang galeng! Hmmm I will try this one! Thanks for sharing!


  13. Well, that's really neat. I've never seen such a thing, I really like it!

  14. Czjai! What do you mean you aren't crafty? This was great thanks for sharing and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to your winner! Grace, peace and blessings, Carla

  15. Creativity and style rolled into one. That's how the DIY necklace is.

  16. Creativity and style rolled into one. That's how the DIY necklace is.

  17. That is neat. I have to say that I don't have a single crafty bone in my body!

  18. What a great way to "keep" a favorite shirt that has a whole or stain on it. VERY COOL!

  19. Thanks Czjai for helping us advocate upcycling! Hope to team up with you again in the future! :) You're post sounds so sincere as if you're really talking to us! Love it! Thanks pretty mommy!!! :)


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